
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Strategy # 3

This week I need to:

  1. Finish our Halloween costumes.
  2. Make Peony. This is my second priority because there is still a lot of work to do for Halloween.
Last week recap:
  1. Halloween Costumes for me, Brian and Billy.
    1. I got Brian's boots and pants. I still need to make his vest and our accessories. Still no inspiration for Billy. My costume is almost complete.
  2. Fabric for Peony. I have a few different options that I can't choose between. I think I should really make it in a flannel so it is nice and warm for the fall and winter. The only problem is that I have all these cute cotton prints that are just begging to be sewn into a beautiful dress.
    1. Still not chosen... I think I hav just avoided it because I am so unsure about this pattern. I almost don't want to make it up again because there are so many fit issues.

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